Introducing Bekah Denler

Hey Guys! My name is Bekah Denler and I am so excited to be the intern for Threads by Nomad! Just thought I would do a quick little introduction so you can get to know me a little better.

I am a senior at the University of Mary Hardin Baylor, majoring in Christian Studies with a minor in International Business. I grew up in a small town, south of Dallas, but after my freshman year of High School I moved to the Philippines. I called this country home for three years and to say it ruined me would be an understatement (and I mean ruin in the best sense possible). I now have this new passion and fire for other cultures that I don’t think anyone can put out. That is why I chose to major in Christian Studies. I always thought after graduation I would join an organization, raise support and become a “typical” minister somewhere overseas. That was my plan and I was content with it. However, doors began opening and pushing me towards social entrepreneurship or business with a social purpose.

Let me tell you, I shut that down real quick. I was completely against it. Am I a business person? Absolutely not. As much as I pushed this idea away, the idea pushed harder. I ended up interning in North Africa, teaching English. This was my time truly seeing how powerful social entrepreneurship is and the impact that it can have. I knew this was something I wanted to be apart of. My heart was completely changed. I am constantly pushed to dream bigger and that is exactly what I plan to do.

I ended up meeting Nell when she came to speak and teach at UMHB. As soon as she began talking to our class, I knew something was about to change for me. I was in complete awe and wanted to somehow be a part of it. I fell in love with what Nell and Christen are doing but what really got me was Nell’s attitude. She came from a world of ministry but ended up opening her own business. To this day she will say she is not a business woman but in my eyes she most certainly is. I related to this because I feel like I was and am somehow on a very similar journey. I feel called to business but do I feel like a business woman? Why in the world would I be drawn to this?

I am still figuring this out. But I am so excited to learn from Nell and be a part of what Threads by Nomad is doing. Because wow, they are doing incredible things. As scary and intimidating as this journey is I am full of peace and excitement because I know something beautiful is happening in me and this business. And man am I happy that you guys get to be apart of this journey with me!

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