Three More Days

This morning I woke up to the news that just down the street from me there was a shooting of nine people and the shooter had been killed by police officers. I write this while listening to the presidential debate commentary in the background as the media hash out all the really big issues that need to be solved in our society. Yesterday I sat in a racially and ethnically diverse church congregation when one of the leaders broke down in tears as she called on people to care and pray about some of the atrocities facing our country and the globe.

I do not have answers. When I try to think of answers, I quickly become overwhelmed. I think we all do. But I do know there are things I can do right where I am.

I can care about the plight of women the world over and act accordingly. I love how hard working they are. I love their beauty. I love the difference they make in their communities and the ripple effect their actions have across the globe. I love their gifts and talents. I love that without the freedom and prosperity I enjoy, it does not hinder them from contributing in amazing ways to their families, their countries, and to the world. So what can I do? I can share with you some of their style, their beauty, their art, their talent. I can foster connections between women of dramatically different parts of the world through the art of fashion.

I can care about the plight of refugees the world over and act accordingly. I have lived in countries that are not my own. I have had to learn to function quickly in those countries while helping my children adjust. I had had to learn to use foreign currencies, navigate new languages and a whole new set of rules and roads. In fact, I have had to do this more than once. The difference between my experience and those of refugees is I had a good, steady income and an employer who provided me with everything I needed to set me up for success. Refugees do not have that.

It matters not where we stand politically. It matters how what is said in tonight's debate. The reality is that Threads by Nomad cares and we can and will make a difference with your help. We can provide jobs for refugees living in the United States. We can make them feel worthy and appreciated. We can provide them with opportunities to share their gifts and talents.

You can be a part of that. We have three days left in our Kickstarter campaign. The more we are able to raise during this campaign, the greater the stability in our startup. According to the Small Business Association 50% of new start up businesses will fail. Insufficient start up capital is one of the main reasons. Help us be assured of success so we can provide meaningful fulfilling employment for refugees. There are many opportunities on the horizon. Would you please be a part of our mission? We have three days...

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