These star ornaments were handmade by women in Kyrgyzstan who utilize their skills to create beautiful pieces of art while receiving an income in order to help support their families. They raise the sheep, shear them, make the wool into felt, and then hand-cut and stitch every ornament.
The cultural and artistic traditions of Central Asia have been preserved through the generations as women work together with their mothers and grandmothers creating masterful crafts. These felt and wool items are as varied as the women who make them, with products reflecting the unique designs and stiles of individual crafters. Master’s Handicrafts and Threads by Nomad are honored to offer these fair trade treasures to you on behalf of the indigenous artisans in the cities of Kyrgyzstan.
These ornaments measure approximately 5 inches across. Each star has a colored felt side and a while felt side. The white ornaments are white on both sides.