It's a Family Affair
I have known Lydia and Laurelle for most of our lives. We grew up together and, while never in the exact same location, our moves were always parallel. When we were in West Africa, so were they. When we were in Brussels, they were just outside Paris. And now that I am in Northern Virginia, Lydia and Laurelle both live within an hour from me.
Growing up, we were more family than friends. We spent holidays together and took family trips. We could comfortably speak to each other in the only language any of us are truly fluent in: Franglais. And when we felt like we didn't quite fit in anywhere, we knew we belonged somewhere when we were all together.
This past summer, when we found ourselves in need of someone to help us with a Threads event, Lydia and Laurelle came to the rescue. I'll admit, when I discovered that I wasn't going to be able to stay the entire duration of the event and realized I would need to find help, I was in a state. I didn't want to cut into our costs by hiring someone. And whom could I hire who would sell as well as I can? Who would care as much as I do? Well, Lydia and Laurelle.
They came and stayed the weekend. They helped steam clothes and pack cars. They helped set up and take down. They learned the stories behind the product and how to ring up a customer. Laurelle even modeled for us! And when we were only a few dollars short of our goal for the day, they personally made purchases that put us over the edge. To say that I am grateful is so inadequate. That day, that whole weekend, I felt seen. Understood. Less alone. I still don't always feel like I quite fit in anywhere, but that weekend together I knew I belong somewhere.
Here are a few words from both sisters about their experience volunteering for and supporting Threads:
Lydia: "I am thankful to Christen and Nell for trusting me to volunteer and represent Threads by Nomad at the pop-up on September 6 for the 'Adams Morgan Day.'
Currently, serving in a national service program, AmeriCorps VISTA in D.C., and a 25 year old graduate student, the longer I serve, and the more I read, the more I realize I know very little about everything I already think I know; and the less I ought to talk, and the more I want to listen. So, I’ll try to make this to the point.
I‘m asked, what did I learn from my experience? I witnessed, Threads is a family company, like the feeling of “being home.” Second, the core of the company is about expanding freedoms and quality of life for those affected by displacement. Volunteering my time, and money, to support Threads by Nomad, brings me joy; it encourages and empowers women entrepreneurship, it supports women and families to rebuild their lives, and helps women gain freedom, all around the world, domestically and globally. I’d say, job well done, but this is a group effort. Will you consider joining the cause and helping refugee families?"
Laurelle: "Recently I had the privilege of helping out at a Threads by Nomad pop up. I was able to witness the amount of work and dedication it takes to plan the photo shoot, and all the efforts that go into planning, setting up and packing up for these events.
It was inspiring to hear Christen describe the passion and vision behind Threads by Nomad and in listening to her I was even more compelled to support this mission in any way I could. By employing refugees at a sustainable wage and sourcing materials from local vendors around the world this brand is setting the bar to a standard we should be striving for! They also work with women’s co-operatives around the world and this is how they seek to end displacement from all angles.
Volunteering for Threads by Nomad was an opportunity to see the heart of the mission and how it is truly at the core of all this amazing brand is doing! It also allowed me to be a participant in a fashion I can believe in, where the clothes & accessories empower its workers and inspire us through beautiful and quality clothing! This is what truly makes for a viable world, a world where fashion supports its workers, and is a means to discover the amazing diversity in this world!
I felt beautiful, fashionable and comfortable whether I was rocking the dresses from the current or past collection, the harem pants or amazing vests in this new collection! I walked out purchasing the silk tee which is such an incredible and versatile piece! I recently wore one of the paper bead necklaces paired with a silver cross (per Christen’s styling advice) for a special event, fell in love with the look and it is now my statement necklace! The best part is that by investing in these amazing pieces, I not only feel and look amazing but I am also actively participating in fashion for a viable world. Our investments are our voice, so let us ask ourselves, what kind of world do we want now and for the future generations? Get your and support a sustainable future!"
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