Our Fancy New Video
Mom and I had wanted to produce a brand video for a while. Especially as we began to build The Off Ramp, we felt that our story — which is what makes us different and is at the heart of what we do — would be communicated more clearly in our own words, our own voices.
We also wanted to introduce you to the main contributors to Threads by Nomad — Hayder, Atia, and Munir. They're not always in the studio, not always confident in front of the camera, and not always comfortable speaking English. This makes including them regularly in the visual and written marketing we do difficult. But without them, we would not exist. They are Threads by Nomad.
So take a few minutes to re-familiarize yourself with our mission, our story, and our friends.
I promise you'll catch yourself smiling by the end of the video!
And if afterward you are inspired to support Threads by Nomad, shop online here or plan on attending our big event in Alexandria, VA this weekend. If you want to be instrumental in the work The Off Ramp has started, you can donate directly to the organization here.
"I encourage everyone watching this video to look at the very small things that we can do that will add up to great, great change."
P.S. A final word of sincere gratitude for John and Bogdan of Buburuza Productions for making this (and forthcoming) video(s) so fun to film and for being so lovely to work with; we can't wait to collaborate again!