Christen's on Spring Break!
For the first time in my adult life, I have a spring break this year. This is apparently one of the (many) benefits of working at a school. (For those who don't know, in my 9 to 5 life I run the communications for a progressive school in Northern Virginia.) So, on Saturday morning well before dawn, I will board a plane to Texas where I will spend the next nine days. When colleagues have asked me what I'm doing over spring break, they seem surprised to discover that I am "working." And I suppose what is ahead of me is technically work. But it's also not work at all. What lies ahead of me is a photo shoot for our newest collection, the production of a new brand video, a ribbon cutting in Houston to introduce our supporters to our team and studio, an event to launch our Spring 2019 collection and talk trends, plus our first pop-up shop ever in Austin! As I described it to someone recently, this week is going to be a creative's dream! Of course, we'll throw in some kayaking, a little shopping, lots of late mornings and naps, a long weekend in Austin, and a whole bunch of tacos. If you are based in or near Houston or Austin (Miranda, I'm looking at you!), I hope to see you at one of our events this week. In my (not so) humble opinion, we've taken this new collection to the next level. You are going to love the designs and fabrics! Of course, spring break can't last forever. Luckily, I have more creative collaboration ahead of me once I return home with my latest iteration of Connect & Create—a weekend-long celebration of women-owned businesses and artists with interactive (and free!) opportunities to connect! Details coming soon. Pause. I just realized this email might sound a lot like bragging. I hope it doesn't. The truth is that I'm overwhelmed at the goodness before me and feel (actually) humbled by it. So, yes, I'm "working" over spring break, because who in their right mind would waste such incredible opportunities?! With infinite gratitude, Christen