With Liberty & Justice for All

Recently I read the book My Dear Hamilton by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie. I am a huge history buff. My kids really get annoyed with me in museums because I read EVERYTHING! What I have loved the most in studying American history is not the fairytale. The fairytale is they had a dream. Great men and women came together and using their gifts and talents came up with the framework for our country. They fought long and hard for our freedom. All of this is of course quite true! But it was not all magic and beautiful. There was a LOT of ugliness. Most of them did not get along either politically or personally. They didn’t just fight the British; they fought each other, even killing each other in some instances! They manipulated to get what they wanted. They stood on the side of justice and sometimes on the side of injustice. They were just people. Some were genius; some gifted; some even quite ordinary. Today we celebrate our freedom. Freedom we would not have if a group of incompatible folks had not come together to do their best even if their best was in juxtaposition to their neighbor. We celebrate that freedom today as well. We do not have to all be on the same page. But we do all have to work towards “liberty and justice for all.”

These concepts do not stop at the borders of our nation. Yet because we uphold these concepts, many flock to us so they can live in this liberty and justice. At Threads by Nomad our desire is to work to encourage refugees who now live here to experience the fullness of that liberty and justice. At the same time we work to provide micro-enterprise to artisans overseas so they can work towards living fully in liberty and justice where they are. We are deeply grateful for each of you who have supported us in any way. Without you, we would not be able to share this amazing American Dream of “liberty and justice for all” with others. Happy Fourth of July!

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