Sandra's Purchase with Purpose

When Threads by Nomad first began I did not even know what a pop up shop was really. I had heard the lingo and knew that Christen had done them, but that was all. When we had our Kickstarter Launch Party, that was my first glance. Yes, it was a bit of work since Christen had a broken foot at the time and it was my “first rodeo” as they say here in Texas. But it was so much fun! I met so many people whose names I had only heard and maybe glanced on social media. A friend of Christen’s loaned us her home in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. Folks came and went. We dined on light munchies and drinks to sip on while some folks did a bit of shopping as well! Besides the marvelous boost it gave to the beginning of our Kickstarter campaign, visiting with friends that came from Maryland and Virginia, I met people I now count as friends. It was a win every way around!

I participated in another pop up at Christen’s home in February. I was able to visit with folks I had met earlier. I was so impressed by how easy this all was! Of course Christen was not dealing with a broken foot this time! Christen pulled together some brunch type eats and drinks. We visited with friends, shared a bit about the vision of Threads by Nomad, and showed off some of our new items since the Kickstarter.

I knew my time was coming. I truly was not certain I could pull it off. I am not Christen! I have not worked in the fashion industry as she has. I was so nervous. Luckily I did not have to figure out much by myself. Our friend Sandra Hachem asked if there was something she could do for Threads by Nomad. She suggested a gathering! We have known Sandra for about six years and have been in her home several times. I knew this would be perfect. She is the quintessential hostess! Since Sandra’s husband Ray is from Lebanon, her event had a Middle Eastern flair complete with mini kabobs. Yum! She added her own touch with her recipe for a coconut orange water refresher. Oh my, was that just the thing! Sandra went the extra mile by wearing to the event her own Threads by Nomad creation. It was a great conversation starter.

Sandra also has A TON of friends! And they came out! We talked about so many things. Haydar, the tailor for Threads by Nomad, enjoyed speaking Arabic with a few of the guests. I enjoyed learning about many different cultures and watching numerous nationalities talk, eat, and shop together. Strangers were becoming friends! There was only one negative to the whole evening. This time it was me with a broken bone! I told Christen we really must quit breaking bones before our pop up shops!

Each pop up shop we have done has been completely different. These are just the three of them I have been a part of. Reports that I have received from others indicates this has been the case for all of them. Each has had it own theme. Sandra’s was Purchase with Purpose. Each has reflected the city and the home where it was hosted, the personality of the hostess, the current collection at Threads by Nomad, and the community attending.

We are so grateful for each person who has helped us host a pop up shop. Would you be willing? We have traveled to other states to host them when the calendar has permitted. We have hosted them in large homes, small homes, event centers, churches, etc. There is no one way to do it, except to have fun with it!

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